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Being A Mentor For Entrepreneurs: A Practical Guide

Angels talk a lot about mentoring, but how many know what it really means? If you can’t describe what a great mentor does, you’ve probably never been one.  A great mentor relationship is actually a pretty rare and special thing.

Angel Syndication for Deal Leads: Strategies To Engage Other Investors Quickly

Filling out a round through angel syndication is something deal leads and entrepreneurs need to be savvy about. Having a basic plan and strategy in place for approaching the syndication process is fundamental. However, the key success factors are engagement and speed....

Angel Syndication For Deal Leads: Three Basic Concepts for Getting Started

Syndicating a round is one of the trickier and more time-consuming angel undertakings. Knowing how to pull a good closing package together is one thing, but finding enough other investors to actually fill your syndicated round is another matter altogether. Not only do...

GP 101: The Fundamental Concepts when Becoming a Fund Manager

While many entrepreneurs and investors dream of running a VC fund, few realize how dramatically different the role of a General Partner (GP) is from that of a Limited Partner (LP) or angel investor. Below are some core concepts that any aspiring GP should become...

Unvarnished Feedback: The Advantages of Using a Customer Council

The customer council is one of the best kept secrets of product management and company strategy. Unlike an advisory board, with specialists who often have a closer relationship with the company or even a personal relationship to the CEO, a customer council consists of...

Venture Capital – A Practical Guide to Fund Formation and Management

Travel to almost any part of the world these days and you are likely to run into clusters of entrepreneurship. Whether you are located in a hotbed of technology like Silicon Valley, a huge emerging market such as China, or in the ancient city of Byblos, chances are...

Networking for Angel Investors; The Three Magic Questions

Networking is often cited as a core skill for entrepreneurs.  But it is just as important for angel investors, whose job it is to help connect their companies to the people, resources and customers they need to succeed. Most investors have some or all of their...

Seraf Toolbox: Guidelines for Successful Board Meetings and Investor Reports with Early Stage Companies

Running a successful board meeting requires planning and discipline. Which in turn requires some experience and some guidelines. Without this preparation, you will waste precious time focusing on the wrong things. To help you orchestrate great board meetings, we...

Short and To the Point: Producing a Tight Report

We’ve all experienced pedantic people try to make their points by browbeating the listener. And we’ve all been frustrated by repetitive or long-winded people who just cannot get to the point. We just tune them out. They are not effective, whether in person or in...
Seraf Investor Compass

Short and To the Point: Producing a Tight Report

We’ve all experienced pedantic people try to make their points by browbeating the listener. And we’ve all been frustrated by repetitive or long-winded people who just cannot get to the point. We just tune them out. They are not effective, whether in person or in...

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Seraf Investor Compass Blog

Seraf Investor

 Seraf Investor – Angel Investing: Valuation, Capitalization and Startup Economics. So, which is the right method for an angel looking for long-term returns?