Like Moths to Light: Why Angel Investors Seek Certain Types of Companies
A group of angels turns up their nose at a company making a useful, well-targeted and well-validated computer peripheral product. The smart entrepreneur behind the company asks a pretty fundamental question in response: “Why do angel investors often turn up their...
VC Investing in BRICS Countries: Brazil
Join Seraf for an engaging and informative webinar on VC investing in BRICS countries, with an emphasis on the exciting opportunities in Brazil. This event is tailored for venture capitalists, startup founders, and investors eager to delve into the high-growth...
Zain Jaffer: Family Office Investor Interview
We had the opportunity to interview Zain Jaffer, with Zain Ventures. Here, he provides insights in investing as a family office.
Keys to Effective Angel Group Management: Webinar
Join Seraf for an insightful session where we will explore strategies and techniques to optimize the management of angel groups. Whether you are a seasoned angel investor or new to the world of angel investing, this webinar will provide valuable insights to help you...
From Solo Investor to Collective Force: The Blueprint for Launching and Leading an Angel Group
Seraf Investor Blog > From Solo Investor to Collective Force From Solo Investor to Collective Force: The Blueprint for Launching and Leading an Angel Group This is the first installment of a three-article series focused on launching an angel group. Angel...
Behind the Scenes of Angel Investing: Engaging Group Members
Angel investing has long been a popular way for individuals to support and invest in early-stage startups. One effective way to amplify the impact of individual angel investors is by forming an angel group.
Blueprint for Launching and Leading an Angel Group
Angel investing has long been a popular way for individuals to support and invest in early-stage startups. One effective way to amplify the impact of individual angel investors is by forming an angel group.
Cutting Bait: When to Walk Away
Angel investing has long been a popular way for individuals to support and invest in early-stage startups. One effective way to amplify the impact of individual angel investors is by forming an angel group.
Seraf Toolbox: Venture Fund Economics Modeling Tool
Angel investing has long been a popular way for individuals to support and invest in early-stage startups. One effective way to amplify the impact of individual angel investors is by forming an angel group.
Who Owns What – Understanding Early Stage Capitalization Tables [Part I]
Several years ago, I was speaking to a colleague of mine. He was trying to decide between two great job offers, and was having a difficult time making a final decision. I started asking about his compensation package. For salary and bonus, the two companies were...
Seraf Investor Compass Blog
Seraf Investor – Angel Investing: Valuation, Capitalization and Startup Economics. So, which is the right method for an angel looking for long-term returns?